Frequently asked questions about the VTSO training

Below are several frequently asked questions about the VTSO training per subject. In case your question is not listed feel free to contact us.


The participants of NNVO themselves recruit the candidates who are then trained by NNVO. Most participants select people with a nautical background. There are continuous vacancies that can be found on the websites of the participants below.

Course material

Have you found an inaccuracy in the course material? Please report this to us by email: , with reference to the text in the competence, page number and name of the competence.

You can also send us a letter. In that case please enclose a copy of the material that needs to be looked at.

Our address:
NNVO Foundation
Schorpioenstraat 61
3067 GG Rotterdam

Illness, traffic congestion or other issues

If you are ill or if you are late please contact NNVO as soon as possible via telephone number +31104090040.


Please send us your complaints by email. You can use the following email address: , and write ‘Complaint’ in the subject line. We take your complaint seriously.

If you are not satisfied with the way in which the complaint has been handled by our organization, you can contact the board of NNVO, Marten Meesweg 115, 3068 AV Rotterdam, email: .

If you do not agree with the way in which the board has handled the objection, you as a student can appeal to the Dutch national education complaints committee, in Dutch: Landelijke Klachtencommissie Onderwijs. This committee works completely independent of NNVO. As a business customer, you can appeal to the independent disputes committee for entrepreneurial affairs, in Dutch: Geschillencommissie voor Ondernemerszaken.

If you are experiencing bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment or intimidation, you can submit your complaint to the independent Landelijke Klachtencommissie Onderwijs.

For more information, please refer to our complaints procedure.

Practical information

NNVO is located in office building De Ster at Schorpioenstraat 61 in Rotterdam. Our office building is easily accessible by car and by public transport. It is only a few minutes’ walk from NS intercity and subway station Rotterdam Alexander to NNVO. Check the contact page for our location on Google Maps. 


Sluitingsdagen NNVO kerst 2024

Sluitingsdagen NNVO tijdens kerstperiode

NNVO wenst alle cursisten, docenten, coaches, examinatoren, participanten en andere relaties fijne kerstdagen en een voorspoedig 2025. Ook het team van NNVO gaat kerst en nieuwjaar vieren. Wij sluiten onze deuren vanaf woensdag 25 december 2024 t/m woensdag 1 januari 2025.

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Kayleigh Koot

Kayleigh Koot neemt afscheid van NNVO

Onze collega Kayleigh Koot, medewerker opleidingsteam, stopt binnenkort bij NNVO. Zij heeft een nieuwe uitdaging gevonden. “De afgelopen jaren heb ik veel geleerd en met veel plezier gewerkt bij NNVO. In mijn nieuwe functie krijg ik de kans om mezelf verder te ontwikkelen.” 

Read more …

Microgames en storytelling in herscholing voor brug- en sluisoperators

Brug- en sluisoperators kunnen sinds kort bij NNVO hun basiskennis opfrissen met de training ‘Permanente Her- en Bijscholing (PHB) wet- en regelgeving’. Na twee pilotdagen en het uitgebreid testen van de e-learning is de training toegevoegd aan het cursusaanbod van NNVO. 

Read more …

Do you have questions?

Do you have questions, comments, suggestions or other matters you would like to raise? Then use our contact form. Naturally, all information that's being sent to NNVO will be treated confidentially.

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Contact with NNVO

Marten Meesweg 115
3068 AV Rotterdam
Tel. +31 10 311 00 95

General questions

Training questions


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