VTSO training
The VTSO training at NNVO is the key training for VTS operators (vessel traffic services) in the Netherlands.
What does a VTS operator (VTSO) do?
A VTSO is in contact with the shipping traffic by means of radar observation and VHF communication. By informing ships about the traffic situation they assist on-board navigational decision-making and monitor its effects. VTSOs provide for the safe and efficient movement of vessel traffic.
As a VTSO you cooperate with others, both inside and outside the VTS centre. A good working relationship is therefore important, as well as being self-critical. The VTSO must secure safety and is not empowered until he satisfies the requirements. He must prove annually that he still complies with the requirements of the standard.

Structure of the training
NNVO organises the VTSO training in cooperation with the seven VTS authorities in the Netherlands. You can take this training if you are employed by a VTS authority. The training consists of two parts:
- Initial Training (IT)
- Sector Training (ST)
The IT takes approximately five months, after successful completion of which a certificate is awarded. Then the trainee takes the ST at the VTS authority where he is going to work. The duration of this training differs per port company. The trainee gains all specific knowledge for that sector. After successful completion of the ST the trainee receives a pass with the competences achieved.
The VTSO takes theoretical and practical refresher training annually. Every three years, after successful completion of all annual parts, the trainee receives a new pass.

Uniformity, contents and coherence
The course material of the Initial Training is divided into competences, which are also integrated in the Sector Training. To ensure that the teaching material of the Initial Training remains up-to-date, there is a Commission of Experts (CoE). This commission consists of delegated employees of the VTS authorities. All new and changed course material is assessed by the CoE.
The Commission of Certification and Auditing (CCA) ensures that the examination conditions of the IT and the ST do not show any discrepancies. Apart from that, NNVO keeps a register of competences.
The following participants cooperate with NNVO on the VTSO training:
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions can be found via the link below.
Frequently asked questions
Information for employers
Do you work for a VTS authority and are you responsible for supervising VTSOs? Please contact NNVO; we will gladly visit you to inform you about our work and what we can offer to support you in your work.
Contact formVTS coaches
VTSO coaches are trained by NNVO. They first take the Initial Coach Training (ICT) at Nova College in IJmuiden and subsequently the Applied Coach Training (ACT) provided by NNVO. After that there is a period of traineeship supervised by experienced coaches and the completion of the coach workbook. After this period there is an assessment interview at which a coach is or is not authorised.
Information about the Initial Coach Training
Information about the Applied Coach Training
Calibration meetings for VTSO-coaches
Subsequently the coaches must attend a calibration meeting at NNVO annually. By attending these meetings they keep their coach’s authority. The calibration meetings are planned and registered by NNVO.
Examiner training
A VTSO examiner is authorised after he has taken the examiner training at NNVO. Here too, an annual refresher training must be taken to keep the competences. Apart from that, NNVO provides a language examiner training.
Mentor training
After the trainees have finished the Initial Training (IT), they take the Sector Training (ST). In the ST the same training system is used as in the IT. During the training the trainees are supervised on the workplace by mentors. To facilitate this process and prepare the mentors for their task, NNVO has organised mentor trainings. These trainings are not obligatory but they are highly recommended.